Skin Solutions, For Everyday Skin Maintenance

Skin Solutions For Everyday Skin Maintenance

Your skin is your bodies largest living organ and yet still we choose to abuse it daily, treating it as though it will forever take a beating. Reality shows us that when anything is neglected it starts to whither and die, and so to will your skin. Implement a few handy skin solutions and watch your skin blossom.


Skin Solutions Need Not Be Complicated

Your skin asks only to be cared for, fed, protected and restored in order to keep you looking your best. Are you investing time into maintaining your most important asset?


Here are five quick and simple skin solutions to keep your skin looking younger, fresher and healthier for longer.


1. Cleanse

The skin being a living organism means that it will have metabolic waste products and debris which need to be removed on a daily basis. It is super important to cleanse your face a minimum of twice daily, this removes any oil, sweat and metabolic secretions.


Cleansing also removes any harmful free radicals, heavy metals and pollution sitting on the surface of the skin. It is your first step to preventing premature ageing.


2. Restore

Just as cleansing is important, so too is replacing the oils that have been removed. Day creams work by boosting the skin’s natural repair function, with the addition of stimulating active ingredients which work in the deeper layers of the skin. Your skin care regime should contain a moisturiser with an SPF for daytime wear and a night cream, one which is more targeted to treat skin ailments such as pigmentation, wrinkles and uneven texture.


We highly recommend you invest in medical-grade skin care and cosmeceutical skin care. Initially, it may seem a little costly, but in the long term, the results far outweigh those of their cheaper counterparts.


3. Protect

We can never stress enough the importance of a sunscreen. Our body requires a certain amount of sunlight every day in order to manufacture the vitamin D3 needed to function, but these days we are able to supplement our bodies with vitamin D3 and limit the damage done to our skin by excessive exposure and sunburn. Where possible avoid the sun from 10am – 4pm.


4. Add Omega’s

Omega-3 is one of those supplements that benefits the body as a whole and should be on everyone’s shelf. When it comes to the skin Omega-3 maintains the suppleness and hydration of the skin from inside of the body, it aids in a healthy metabolism which will ensure that your skin is getting all the nutrition it requires to continuously repair and restore your skin.


We only recommend high-quality Omega-3 supplements such Superba Krill which is the ‘Rolls Royce’ of Omega’s.


5. Drink your water

Our bodies are made up of 90% water, this means that if we allow ourselves to become dehydrated we will inevitably start shrivelling up. Your body requires water in order to keep the organs and cells plumped up and fully functional, it also keeps your digestion moving which is your bodies natural waste removal system.


The more water you drink the better your body will function, it is recommended that you consume a minimum of 6-8 glasses of water per day or alternatively 1 litre of water for every 30kg of body weight.


Simple skin solutions and minor changes to your routine can make a huge difference in the look, feel and longevity of the skin.



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