Strong Immune Defence – To Keep You Healthy & Happy This Winter

Strong Immune Defence - To Keep You Healthy & Happy This Winter

You’ve got the sniffles again. Your girls are going to movies (when did you last do that?) and then dinner at that new restaurant you’ve been dying to try. But you can’t join them. Sore throat and blocked nose, you’re in bed and feeling grim. Why does your immunity always seem to be so down and out? You need to build a strong immune defence. Scientists say each of us is wired slightly differently. Some of us will be better at fighting off some illnesses, while others will be a little worse. Is it down to our genes? Yes. But factors like stress, sleep, exercise, smoking, alcohol intake and gut health play a significant role too. Another enemy of wellbeing? Loneliness. Staying connected with others is actually known to have immune-boosting effects. 

Strong Immune Defence: The Gut of the Matter

Your gut’s health says a lot about your immunity. Your immune system is in your GI (gastrointestinal) tract. So, it makes sense that you want to keep your gut healthy and look after its microbiome, a wide range of beneficial bacteria. These are known to directly affect immune cells and keep them more active. Your expert healthcare provider or doctor can help, especially if you feel you may not be getting all your gut needs from your food alone. Supplements to support your gut health, like Digestive Enzymes means the added bonus of helping your body with bloating and indigestion. And to give you a further boost in the gut department, try L-Glutamine. Not only will it help shore up your gut health, but if problems like IBD or leaky gut syndrome upset your balance, this supplement is essential to your care package. 

Sleep and Stress: Don’t Ruin Your Healthy and Happy This Winter

 You may think you’re getting more sleep in winter, but if you’re not napping for seven to nine hours, you’re sleep-deprived. Sounds like a lot, but sleep is known to lower stress levels, mellow your mood and sharpen your judgement. And research even suggests it boosts immunity. If you’re feeling worried about not sleeping – and not sleeping because you’re worried – a Chronic Stress Infusion Cocktail means an IV infusion dose of nutrients needed to de-stress you. A blend of antioxidants like glutathione and Vitamins C, B-Vitamins and magnesium rev your immune system, so there’s no shortfall. Who wants to be stressed, tired and then get sick? Another way to shore up your immunity when feeling strung out is with a well-put-together immune-boosting supplement combo.

When you have the right nutraceuticals working as a team, you can feel better knowing your immune support is being taken care of. A great go-to is the Basic Immune Boosting Pack, a combo of all your essential nutrients and minerals. That’s one worry-free tick off the list!

Often immunity is something we think of after that last pesky cold. But a few lifestyle switch-ups can make a real difference for a stronger system. Once your supplements are sorted, get moving. Did you know that physical activity may help flush bacteria out of the lungs and airways? Food for thought. So, eat a few more vitamin-packed leafy greens, go for a walk and don’t forget to invite a friend or two. It’ll be really good for you. 


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