Strokes : Reduce The Risk And Improve Your Lifestyle

Strokes Reduce The Risk And Improve Your Lifestyle

Strokes can turn your world upside down in the blink of an eye. What causes strokes, what are the warning signs and what can you do to prevent them.


Warning signs of strokes

– The onset of numbness or weakness of face or limbs, usually only on one side of the body

– Confusion or difficulty speaking or understanding

– A sudden loss of vision

– Severe headaches with no known cause


How to prevent strokes

Young and middle-aged people need to heed the following, to ensure that they are at optimal health and avoid strokes:

– Check your blood pressure  and heart health regularly

– Reduce salt intake

– Maintain a healthy body weight (according to BMI)


Diagnosing a stroke

Ischemic strokes are time-dependent, cell death cascades to greater areas of the brain until the blood flow is restored

Haemorrhagic stroke is also time dependent. Blood continues to leak from the original rupture site and the area of the brain that is damaged by the hematoma increases


Seeing what type of stroke someone has had is very important, as Ischemic stroke medication would not work with haemorrhagic strokes and the other way around.


What happens after a stroke?

The following may become impaired after a stroke: cognitive abilities, perception, coordination, speech and balance. Paralysis could also be possible.

The right side of the brain, controls the left side of the body, a stroke on the right side of the brain, could cause paralysis on the left side of the body.

In the cerebellum may cause problems with balance and coordination, and in the brainstem, it may cause damage such as breathing, heart rate and death.

This can be debilitating and seriously reduce the quality of life in those who have been affected, strokes were once thought to be the disease of the elderly but are becoming more and more prevalent in the younger generation.


In conclusion, the best advice for managing a family history of stroke and your health is to consult a healthcare professional. If your family has a history of stroke ensure you have your yearly check-up’s without fail.



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