Pouts: Is It All Lip Service Or Is It Something To Pout About
15 Oct 2015

Pouts have always been a topic of conversation, from the days of Goldie Hawn in First Wives Club to Pamela Anderson on Baywatch and more recently the very young and much debated Kylie Jenner.
Although all of the ladies above have been a hot conversation in their day, the question you need to ask yourself is … If you could enhance your pout what do you need to know?
Firstly you DO NOT want the Goldie Hawn pout! This is an insane representation of someone totally obsessed and not realistic by any means (in First Wives Club). Her lips are hopelessly exaggerated, taking that which should enhance beauty and distorting it with an absolute extreme.
Pouts: What you need to know
Young ladies tend to often have naturally thin lips and are looking for those full luscious lips. Older ladies, however, want lip enhancement, because their lips tend to droop and loose volume, pout and definition. Subtle lip enhancement may improve the situation and give you better lips.
Most lip enhancement is performed with the injection of either injectable fillers material or alternatively fat (usually at plastic surgeons).
What does lip augmentation involve?
– there is little to no downtime
– the treatment is relatively non-invasive
– it can be used to give volume in the lips
– sculpting means it can be used to create a ‘cupids bow’ in the centre of the upper lip
– can be used to treat minor wrinkles and ageing around the mouth
– always ensure the doctor you use is reputable and performs these kinds of treatments regularly because they can be tricky
Did you know?
It is highly recommended to start having fillers injected from the earliest detection of lines and wrinkles, this prevents further lines which become ingrained and very difficult to treat around the mouth area. Prevention is always better than cure, therefore, it is recommended you start today.