Eye shapes: The non-surgical solutions to change your shape

Eye shapes: The non-surgical solutions to change your shape

When it comes to eye shapes, do you crave a sultry-looking cat eye but feel completely challenged by winged eyeliner? You might be glad to know there’s a way you can give your eyes a gorgeous feline-like quality. One that won’t wash off.

Eye shapes and your options

Thanks to injectable treatments and threads, it’s now entirely possible to change the shape of your eye. Also, neither modality is permanent so you can enjoy a fresh new look for a couple of months. Later you can top it up if you’d like to maintain it! Better yet, a cat eye isn’t your only option. Here’s the low down on eye shapes and how to create a cat eye, almond eye and fox eye.

The cat eye

Angelina Jolie are well known for her striking cat-like gaze. Once, the only way you could steal her style was to brush up on your make-up skills or get a very permanent – and risky – canthoplasty surgery. Now, however, you can achieve the same look with the use of dissolvable medical-grade threads. These are inserted along the sides of the eye, starting at the outer edge of the eyebrow to lift the area upwards and outwards. The result is a sexy cat-eyed look, something that can be created with just one visit to aesthetic doctor in the know.

Just remember, the results of this procedure will always depend on the skill of your doctor. This is why it’s vital to ensure they’re an experienced injector who’s performed the procedure countless times in the past.

The doe eye

Appreciate a more wide-eyed, innocent look? This is the doe-eyed look, something you’ll spot on wide-eyed celebrities like Zooey Deschanel and Emma Stone.

To create the look, a tiny amount of muscle-relaxing botulinum toxin is injected into the centre of the lower lash line. The target the orbicularis oculi muscle and, by relaxing it, you create a wider-eyed effect. The upper outer orbicularis muscle (the muscle around the eye) is also weakened using yet a few more drops of botulinum toxin. This allows the forehead muscle to gently lift the outer brow, creating a subtle upturned look.

As this is a very delicate area to work on, it’s always best to make small incremental changes until you achieve the desired look. This means you might require up to three visits to your doctor to get it right. However, once you’ve established what’s needed to create your gorgeous open-eyed effect, you can maintain it with a little “top up” session once a year. 

The fox eye

Yep, the fox eye is fast becoming the new cat eye. So, what’s the difference? While a cat eye shape can give your eyes a feline-like slant, they’ll still be fairly “open-looking”. A fox eye also creates a slant, but narrows the eyes to become more of an almond shape. Kendall Jenner, Bella Hadid and Arianna Grande are great examples of “foxy ladies”.

To recreate their look, you’ll want to lift the outer corners of your eyes in a way that pulls them slightly outwards and upwards. In this case, threads the perfect tool as they can lift and elongate your eyelids and even lift the tail of your brow.

Now tell us, which eye shapes do you think are the most attractive?


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