Breakouts and acne: professional treatments to help clear the skin

Breakouts And Acne Professional Treatments To Help

Breakouts and acne affect approximately 80-95% of adolescents as their bodies go through puberty, but luckily its occurrence declines over the following years until middle age. There are, however, other forms of acne such as pregnancy acne, acne linked to digestive disorders and adult acne.

Breakouts and acne, what do they look like?

The breakouts and acne on the skin are characterised by various pimples, cysts, and blockages. These lesions are on the face and neck, chest, back, shoulders and upper arms. Acne, however, is a completely different kettle of fish. Acne vulgaris, the most common skin disorder, affects virtually all individuals at least once. Incidence peaks in 18-year-olds, but substantial numbers of 20- to 40-year age group also develop the disease.

First-hand experience

Blogger Fatima Saib shared some of her skincare struggles and her latest journey on clearing up the breakouts on her skin. Here is her first step on the journey:

“With my first consultation, my skin was assessed and we chatted about my skin history and needs. My doctor (Dr Toni van der Merwe of Skin Renewal) then recommended a few treatments ranging from peels to Dermapen which combined. These would help me achieve the acne-scarred free skin I wanted.

2 weeks after my initial consultation, I booked an appointment for the first of my treatments. I started off with an Azelan Peel which is a quick, superficial peel that contains salicylic and azelaic acid to help lift dead skin cells while stimulating the metabolism of the cells underneath.

The peel has been designed for the treatment of acne scarring and epidermal hyperpigmentation and will help to smooth out the skin texture while reducing visible inflammation. Maricia noted that I might feel dry and flaky after about 3 days but I only experienced mild flaking once and never got any dryness as yet. About a week after the peel (I had mine 3 days ago), you can start to see an improvement in:

– The appearance of superficial scars

– skin texture

– enlarged pores appear reduced

– inflammation

– pigmentation

I will continue on my journey.”

Treating the skin is a journey

Preventing breakouts and removing scars left behind after acne will take time and a combination of treatments. As a result, this is just the first step of Fatima’s skincare journey.


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  1. Yvette Petersen

    This sound very great, I will like to do this but this will be very expensive. My skin has an acne breakout and my face doesn’t look good.

    • Beauty desk

      Hi Yvette

      Thank you for reaching out, we have many acne solutions. For assistance and advice you are welcome to WhatsApp us on 0871531019

      Regards Heather

  2. Casey Joubert

    How much would one have to budget for such a treatment? How much would a consultation be?

    • Beauty desk

      Hi Casey

      Thank you for your message, most clinics are happy to customise a program to suit both your skin and your budget. Also remember it is easier to incorporate your treatment into your monthly budget making it easier to plan for. Feel free to contact our friends over at Skin Renewal and they can assist. Let me know if you need their info. Regards Heather

    • Beauty desk

      Hi Casey

      My apologies I seemed to have missed your comment. Which treatment is it that you are referring to so that I can assist?

      Regards Heather

    • Beauty desk

      Thank you for sharing Fatima 🙂
      Regards Heather


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