Inflammation Management Is Key To Heal Your Body

Inflammation Management Is Key To Heal Your Body

Inflammation is responsible for 90% of illness and more often than not stems from the gut or digestive system.

Managing Inflammation In The Body

The best way to try and heal inflammation is to follow an anti-inflammatory diet, this will not only prevent any inflammation from within the body but will also promote overall health and wellbeing. Alternatively, poorly managed or mismanaged blood sugar levels, stress and high levels of inflammation can contribute to excessive cortisol production, a compromised immune system, a metabolic imbalance as well as other hormonal imbalances.


How do I reduce inflammation?

Following an anti-inflammatory diet which is low in processed foods, high in natural antioxidants, fibre and key nutrients is what the body is needing and craving in order to maintain optimal balance and functionality. It, therefore, stands to reason that by simply using a healthy diet and correct supplementation. It is safe to say that it is possible to balance hormones, control cravings and getting you back on the path to optimal health.


What do I need to avoid?

Some of the most significant contributors to inflammation and high cortisol levels include the following dietary sources:

– high-sugar foods, refined-grain products, soda’s, processed foods and snacks

– consuming high amounts of refined fats and trans fats (unhealthy fats)

– consuming too much caffeine and alcohol

– experiencing insufficient intake of vitamins, minerals, nutrients and antioxidants

– not consuming enough fibre to balance blood sugar and for bowel cleansing

– not consuming enough healthy fats or protein, this can lead to hunger, cravings, fatigue and mental lethargy


What do I need to eat?

Ideally, consult a healthcare practitioner and functional medicine doctor who can assist, diagnose and prescribe any medication and supplement you may need to correct imbalances in your body.

– Follow a low GI (Glycemic Index) lifestyle.

– Eat balanced meals which include proteins, fibre, fresh vegetable and essential fats.

– Try and include some of these useful foods which lower cortisol production and stabilise blood sugar levels: vegetables; fruits; coconut or olive oil; nuts; seeds; lean proteins like eggs, fish and grass-fed beef and yoghurt.


Your health is in your hands, in other words, always consult a healthcare practitioner or doctor when making dietary changes. Because they can assist with adjusting your vitamin and mineral supplementation. Due to the nature and symptoms of inflammation, it cannot be self-managed.


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