Peels for Melanin-Rich Skin: Safe and Successful Treatments

Peels for Melanin-Rich Skin: Safe and Successful Treatments

Our Mamas might have been hooked on facials – and with good reason – but these days, solution-based chemical peels work on skin conditions immediately and with long-term results. Banish thoughts that they’ll leave you raw and painful. A peel done right – and that’s safe for your skin – will give you that fresh-faced glow you’ve been craving. Especially at this time of year. Ready to reveal your best skin ever?


Safe and Sound: Anti-Inflammatory Peels for Acne

Hot weather, climbing stress levels and hormonal imbalances that are overdue a checkpoint, if your breakouts need calming, an Azelaic peel brings anti-inflammatory wins for your skin. But how does a chemical peel actually contain an inflammatory condition like acne? It’s formulated so that it lowers those uncomfortable sensations that a chemical peel may otherwise bring on. And it’s all thanks to ingredients arnica and salicylic acid. This duo help skin recover quickly. They also help treat mild to severe acne and hyperpigmentation.


As both conditions are deeply connected to melanin-rich skin typesand also linked to damage caused by incorrect treatment – the risk and complication factors are low. Plus, you’re safe to return to work the very same day. Another anti-inflammatory winner is a Beta Hydroxy Peel. Again, all skin tones and types can be safely treated, and the build-up of dead surface skin cells that make your complexion look dull and ashy is whisked away while treating large pores, acne, and hormonal pigmentation (melasma). Therefore, this is a super-solution for melanin-rich skins as it ticks many boxes. And bonus, a professional exfoliation like this means your skincare products can sink properly into skin giving your face more of what it needs to glow gorgeously.


Something Deeper: Successful Treatments For Your Skin

Often, our skin craves an all-rounder treatment. If you’re looking for a monthly maintenance treatment that either hits your prejuvenation goals or treats those first signs of ageing, try a Ferulic Peel. This anti-oxidant laced peel has been created to be comfortable yet de-ageing, treating fine lines and wrinkles, all while pushing hydration into the skin. Want to up the ante further? This is often the best approach when treating pigmentation conditions like Melasma and skin trauma like post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Both MesoBrite – and its sister MesoBrite Lite – are low risk.


And while the complications aren’t anything major to worry about, you’ll need to commit to home care. Choosing your peel is all about how stubborn your dark marks are. In other words, how deep-seated that melasma or PIH is. Therefore, it’s critical that a skin therapist performs this medical peel under the supervision of a doctor. It’s a two-part therapy that requires their expertise: layers of peel and deep de-pigmenting mask, followed by a post-clinic treatment, and the at-home kit with maintenance creams so your results are beautifully boosted.


Ready to level up your skin?

Chemical peels can certainly take it there. And when safe for melanin-rich skin tones, the stress of damage and skin trauma means you’re focused on skin goals. Rather than more skin issues to tackle. And that’s the point of skin therapy done right. Here’s to your amazing skin; give it exactly what it needs, whenever it needs it and your complexion will thank you.



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