Masculine Rejuvenation: New Age, New Man And The Rise of Treatments
2 Oct 2023

In a bromance with Brotox? You may not have your medical aesthetic doctor on speed dial – yet – but the good news for your skin and body is that masculine rejuvenation is very much a thing! Still, getting The Mrs to book a sneaky facial? It’s time to step out of the shadows and own your treatment plan. From neurotoxins to body contouring, every man deserves to look his best.
Masculine Rejuvenation Treatments: Are You Man Enough?
Of course, you are! Looking at your DNA is the key to unlocking the new modern anti-ageing treatment trend. Skin ageing is a complex process. What we inherit, thanks to Mom and Dad’s genes, can vary.
Get this: recent studies on twins have revealed that up to 60 percent of how skin ages, differing from person to person, is linked to genetics, while the remaining 40 percent is attributed to non-genetic factors. And that’s elements like the environment (read: sun). After this lengthy explanation, check out your Dad’s skin and decide where to start. Injectables for guys are very popular and can meet many different needs.
From refreshing the skin with wrinkle smoothing to relaxing dynamic frown lines, neurotoxins are still considered a gold bullet in treatment. Not to be confused with dermal volumisers, as these can be used to fill areas like the jaw. For a more masculine profile (a stronger jawline), an injectable like a dermal volumiser can be placed strategically along the jaw and chin area. How clever is that? And we’re just getting started! Stressed about a less-than-full head of hair – or a rather too-full tummy? Well, there’s a treatment for that and more…
New Age, New You: Your Body of Work
It’s no newsflash that men tend to carry weight around their bellies. But it may alarm you that from as young as 30, weight gain can become “a thing.” And while Thabo from sales has asked you 100 times to join his running club, you know you’ll never commit. Also, you can’t out exercise bad eating. However, you can kickstart your journey and boost your confidence by working on those zones that really annoy you. Wish you could melt that belly fat away?
With the help of Ceccarelli Lipolysis Injections, you can target fat and tighten your skin. An injectable solution (made with Vitamin C and Iron) acts on fat cells, creating fat cell apoptosis. It’s death to your fat cells; through dissolving them, your contours (like the abdomen) are reshaped. Another injectable doing great things for guys is Carboxytherapy for balding and hair loss.
Micro-injections mean medical grade C02 gas passes through the scalp. This area, just beneath the skin’s surface, is the active area where the cells of the hair follicles reproduce. In other words, exactly where you want to encourage more to rejuvenate and grow.
So What’s The Final Say…
Back to that Bromance; whether it be with the latest laser treatment for acne scarring or switching to clean eating after that psychical with your GP, now is the time to get hooked up. With the global men’s skincare product market expected to reach $28 billion by the end of 2029, looking good and feeling better has become commonplace for guys. Treatments level up. Onwards and upwards – things are always going to get better!
My son has acne skin scaring what do u suggest
Beauty desk
Hi Sharon
Thank you for reaching out, our online team will be in touch shortly to assist you with treatment options and prices.