Are Barcode Lines Dimming Your Smile?
20 Mar 2025

With so much focus on smoothing certain lines and wrinkles, is your pout even getting a look in? Working hard for you every time you take a sip, utter a word, or even make an expression. Your lips are doing more than talking. Lip lines do worsen with age (hello, barcode lines!), especially if vices like smoking are habits you’re not ready to quit. Even just drinking through a straw can mean more damage. Before this news gets all too much, know that barcode lines are treatable. And, there are, in fact, many ways to smooth them out other than simple injectables (although we’ll talk you through those too).
Barcode Lines: Let’s Get Vertical
You may think these noticeable lip lines (or smoker’s lines) are merely sitting on the surface of your skin. However, with age and influences like sun exposure, barcode lines unfortunately sink deeply around the mouth area. Also, there’s the loss of collagen to contend with. And this goes hand in hand with what happens as skin ages. Treatments that boost your collagen supplies, like resurfacing ones. As well as those that flood skin with essential Hyaluronic Acid (HA), mean age prevention and rehydrating.
Barcode lines need a skin texture overhaul plus that all-necessary added hydration. In some cases, they need their volume restored, especially if they’re deep set and need to be filled rather than just rehydrated. And remember that whether you’re a smoker or not, barcode lines don’t discriminate. They simply remind us that with movement and time, the mouth is just as prone to ageing as the eye area.
Just as we tend to focus on youth boosting our upper face with a gorgeously smooth neurotoxin-nipped forehead, we should also target our lower face when it needs attention.
Lighting Up Your Smile: Treatment Plan For Ageless Lips
Dermal Volumisers are synonymous with pumping hydration back into your pout. These contain HA and fill not only lips but deep-set wrinkles, too. However, to refresh the actual texture of the skin surrounding the lip area – in other words, rejuvenate actual lip lines rather than just plump the mouth itself – you need something that helps resurface the skin. Able to zone in on the peri-oral area (the skin around the mouth) Cutera Pearl Fusion laser is a bit of a miracle worker. Able to labour on both the surface and deeper layers of skin, its dual action means collagen stimulation barcode lines need to be levelled out.
Want even more skin-tightening benefits and bouncy elasticity? And, very importantly, something safe for all skin tones?
The Secret RF Fractional Microneedling offers your mouth area essential collagen remodelling, and with that comes firmer, more youthful-looking skin. The way in which heat energy is delivered equals far less damage to the outer layer of skin, all while working deep within, so your skin is treated but repaired as fast as possible.
So What’s The Final Word?
As you pose for that selfie with your teen or make a kissy face on date night, let the last thing on your mind be the pesky lines around your mouth. The most important thing is feeling confident as you step into your next decade and beyond. Enjoy it; the rest can be treated with amazing medical aesthetic tech and sunscreen. Trust us!