Cellulite: All the insight, info and latest treatments?

Cellulite All The Insight Info And Latest Treatments

Cellulite, cottage cheese, orange peel or dimply bottoms call it what you like, it doesn’t really matter. The fact remains that cellulite is a very real body issue for the modern women.


Cellulite is a continual struggle. . .

Cultural anxiety and concern have caused an evolution and barrage of products and procedures to arrive on the market. This not necessarily a bad thing. But how many of them are truly effective, and can support the claims that they make?


Sadly cellulite does not discriminate and in our fat-phobic culture, it seems to plague both the fuller figured and the skinny alike. Famous backsides such as Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashian are scrutinized and critiqued by the wider public. After all, nothing makes us feel better than to see celebrities with very human flaws.

So can anything really help to smooth out and eliminate these less-than-darling dimples?


What exactly is cellulite?

It’s a condition that affects 90 percent of women and 10 percent of men, mainly because cellulite is driven by the female hormone known as estrogen. As women age, the estrogen production starts to slow down. This change has a huge impact on the bodies natural circulation. Collagen production starts to falter and soon the fat cells become larger. As a result, the skin gets that lumpy and bumpy look on the surface.

Where do we tend to get cellulite?

–   knees

–   saddlebags

–   buttocks

–   stomach

–   triceps areas


Professional treatments?

1. Carboxytherapy

This is also known as the ‘Miracle Gas’ or CO2 injections and is highly effective at improving the circulation, a tightening of the superficial skin and collagen production, and is effective at treating localised fatty deposits.


2. Accent or Tripollar or Velashape

The treatments use local heating to cause an immediate tightening of the skin, accelerate the fat reduction in the area and at the same time increase circulation which reduces toxins and improves the appearance of cellulite. Velashape is an FDA approved machine and has been used by the likes of the Kardashians for a smoother more beautiful booty.


3. Lipomassage™ by Endermologie

This is the latest generation of Endermologie® treatments dedicated to treating localised fat, cellulite and contours. It is more targeted and uses mechanical rollers that give better results for cellulite in half the time of traditional Endermologie™.

Injectable solutions for cellulite

– Lipodissolve

This treatment involves microinjections of a mesotherapy solution into areas of hardened cellulite and fat to improve the appearance of cellulite and to contour the body.


It goes without saying that you will need to make some serious lifestyle changes when it comes to diet, water, and exercise to maintain your results long term. A visit to your medical health care professional is also recommended to assess your hormone profile and ensure that your body is not hijacking your treatment program.


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  1. Phumeza Precious Kolisi

    Hello there
    I have a harder cellulite its lumpy and bumpy its started when I reached 28 years it was small then not deep but now its very deep I can’t even take off my clothes infront of the people I can’t even wear a swim wear I am scared to be in a relationship since 2003

    Can you please help me

    • Beauty desk

      Hi Phumeza

      Thank you for reaching out. I have asked our team to reach out to you and assist you with your questions and possible treatment options.


  2. precious ngxekana

    Do you treat strachmarks and enlarge boobs without surgery naturaly ive got a problem with my skin,do you take a medical aid polmed and when can i come and make appointment or i can also make appointment over the phone thanks.

    Kind regars

    • admin

      Hi, Precious our friends over at Skin Renewal do treat stretch marks, here is a little more info http://bit.ly/StretchMark1. As for surgery and breast enlargement, I am unable to assist as we are a non-surgical solution.

      You can find the contact details for Skin Renewal branches over here:http://bit.ly/BranchNew


  3. Erina Groenewald

    Do you treat pigmentation and what treatment can you recommend for cellulite?

    • admin

      Hi Erina

      Yes, we do treat pigmentation , here is a little more info for you http://bit.ly/SRPIGment1 . We also treat cellulite, but there are many ways of treating this condition based on its severity. Your best option would be to book a consultation with one of our doctors, let them assess the area and advise you on the best treatment for you. Here is a little more info http://bit.ly/BRCellu.

      Regards Heather


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